As we continue to look for ways to fulfill our vision of connecting people to Jesus and to one another, we are also being mindful that we must be ready to make adjustments as we go. We thank you for your commitment to NVC. With our NVC family in mind, we will be moving to ONE BILINGUAL SERVICE AT 10AM until further notice, to help us capitalize on worshipping together as a family. Powerful things happen when we gather and we believe that God will continue to move among us. Your safety and health is of utmost importance to us, so we will continue to take all necessary precautions to keep one another safe.
What to Expect:
  • Everyone should have a face covering based on CDC guidelines.
  • Guests will be directed inside intermittently. Our team members will give you instructions upon arrival.
  • Temperature Checks at the Door
  • Social Distancing encouraged with rearranged seating, contact less giving and connection.
  • NVC Kids will continue to grow and learn online through the weekly lessons. Kids are welcome to join their families in worship inside the sanctuary.
  • The nursery will be open for diaper changes ONLY. We will allow one parent and one child in at a time.
  • Registrations for each weekend will open the prior Wednesday at 10AM and close that Friday by 8PM.
  • We will worship together and encounter his love together.
  • At the conclusion, our team members will dismiss everyone intermittently.
  • Contact less giving station and connection station available at the entrance and exit.
  • If anyone has a need for prayer, we ask that you fill out our online or in-person connection card and one of our prayer partners will contact you.

You are reminded to follow CDC recommendations regarding your own health. Please remember to wash your hands before and after service and to use hand sanitizer frequently. If you fall into an “at risk” category, please stay home and join us Online. If you or someone at your home has tested positive for COVID, been sick or shown symptoms over the last 14 days, please join us Online.